Here are the best things about autumn/fall (which do you say?), in no particular order, and without honorable mentions because (let’s face it) it’s been THREE MONTHS since my last appearance on the ol’ blog and you’re lucky you even get a post, so be grateful:

1.) Fall Clothes
Okay, if you know me well, you know that by “fall clothes” I really mean “jackets”. I kind of have a problem with/addiction to jackets of all kinds. Just ask Gib (or ask our bank account…). While jackets are amazing, I really love ALL fall clothes. It’s just more fun to get dressed when you can wear boots, sweaters, and layers (under jackets, duh).

2.) Starbucks red cups
I think I share this love with many other Americans. It’s really a stupid thing to love, but I can’t help it: when Starbucks rolls out the red cups it makes me feel festive. And my skinny vanilla latte tastes better when it’s dressed in red. (And wearing a jacket! Get it? The cardboard sleeve that they hoard now because of the environment and only let you have if you flirt with the barista? I think we should all start calling them "java jackets")

3.) Leaves changing colors
I love fall leaves. They are just so pretty. Sadly, in Mobile, they don’t really change color. I am always excited to go somewhere with red, orange, and yellow leaves.

4.) Running in cool mornings
I love wearing my Speedo and swim cap while running through the snow…haha. What is WITH this picture? Are these guys for real? Anyway, it came up when I googled “running in cool weather”, so I thought I’d share. But I DO love running when it’s getting cold out. Tights, gloves, hats…I think it makes me run faster (mostly because I want to get back into my warm house).
I feel like a badass after a long run in the cold.

5.) The anticipation of Christmas
Christmas is the best holiday of all the holidays. At least, for Christians it is…maybe Hanukkah is awesome, what do I know? But I love fall because the Christmas-is-coming part is the best part. I love the anticipation. (P.S. has anyone read this book? Should I get it on my Kindle?)

6.) Crockpot meals
Soup, chili, and all kinds of warm, cozy meals come from a crockpot. Somehow I think fall is the most appropriate time to use my crockpot, but winter is really just as good. Nothing better than coming home from work to a hot meal that you forgot you prepared that morning. Also, can someone tell me why we always say “Crockpot”? Aren’t there other brands of slow-cookers? Do they feel left out?

7.) Family time
Google was on a roll with the image search today. What do you think that little boy did to deserve banishment from looking at the pictures? Everyone else looks kind of smug about it...even Grandpa. Anyway, fall is just conducive to spending time with family. Mostly because the holidays force us to. But I think it’s also kind of a nostalgic time of year, for some reason, which makes me want to see my family.

8.) Fire in the fireplace
Nothing cozier in all the world. The first day we have a fire in the fireplace is one of the happiest days of the year.

9.) Reading is better in the fall
Cooler weather makes me want to read. I always like to read, but in the fall it’s like an event: fire going, red cup of coffee in hand, wearing sweatpants…it’s just better. I was trying to convey all of this in one picture, but got no good results from googling “reading cozy nook fireplace cold weather”. For real. I googled that.

10.) The temperature in my bed in the mornings
I am noticing a “coziness” theme in this list. Top of the cozy factor list: when the temperature in your bed is JUST RIGHT, and it’s cold outside of your bed, and you can hit the snooze and stay cozy for a bit longer…ahhh. But actually, this temperature change totally sucks when you CAN’T hit the snooze, so maybe it shouldn’t be a favorite… And yes, that is our bedroom in the picture, creeps.
Okay, I just thought of one more thing, so I guess this is a Top Eleven post, because I already established there will be no honorable mentions, and I am a woman of my word...
Pumpkin bread, pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin cream cheese, pumpkin sausage pasta (ask me for that recipe sometime), pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin ANYTHING is better than non-pumpkin anything. And for some reason we only eat pumpkin things in the fall. Which is also kind of awesome.
For my birthday this year (which is in the fall), Gib made me a pumpkin cake using a carrot cake recipe. He replaced the carrot with pumpkin. You guys. Before you die you should probably definitely eat a pumpkin cake with homemade cream cheese icing. Made by my husband. He's a keeper, that one.