Trappistes Rochefort 10
If you are a fan of Belgian Strong Ales (Tripels, Quadrupels, etc.,) and have been searching for the perfect beer, then look no further. It only took one taste for me to tell that this beer should be the standard to which all other trappiste ales should be compared. This beer is unbelievably good, and meticulously crafted, so that almost every aspect of the beer is as good as any lover of Belgian brews could hope for. First off, the beer pours a dark brown, with a thick, tan head. With a nose in the glass, you can detect hints of cherries, plums, apples, vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, and coriander. When I took my first sip, the thing that stood out most about this brew is the mouthfeel. It has an incredibly creamy texture, is chock full of flavors, and has just the right amount of carbonation. I would classify this beer as full-bodied and moderately carbonated. As far as tasting goes, this is one of the most flavorful beers that I have ever imbibed. There are so many different flavors, that it is hard to tell where to begin. I detected hints of chocolate, cherries, plums, nuts, cinnamon, and spicy hops. There is also some honey and pear in there. The array of flavors nicely hides the whopping alcohol content of 11.3% ABV. The only downside to this beer is that it isn't cheap. I paid $6.29 for an 11 oz bottle at Whole Foods. While that is quite expensive, I think it is worth every penny. As I mentioned earlier, this is the best Belgian Strong Ale I have ever had, and it isn't even close. Since this category of beers happens to be my favorite, this particular brew is now at the top of my list of favorite beers. Subsequently, it is the highest rated beer that I have reviewed to date. If you can find it, you should buy it! You will not be disappointed...
Using my new rating scale, I rated it as follows:
Aroma: 5/5
Appearance: 5/5
Palate: 5/5
Creativity: 4/5
Taste: 10/10
Overall 29/30
So I finally got around to following up on this enthusiastic recommendation and just wanted to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed the beer. I know blogging can sometimes feel like shouting into an abyss but I wouldn't have come across the beer without your review. Many many thanks
ReplyDeleteThanks, Quinton! Hope all is well with you. I am glad you enjoyed the beer, and doubly glad that you found it by reading the blog! Thanks for the encouraging words. Katie tells me you have a blog as well. I will definitely check it out...