1) Bill Cosby – “Bill Cosby: Himself” is quite possibly the funniest stand-up routine I have ever seen. I am usually sore for several days after I watch it. Also, there are only a few people on this list who are consistently funny while also being consistently clean. Bill Cosby showed that you don’t have to be perverse or “off color” to be funny. The “Cosby Show” was also one of my family’s favorite shows growing up, and my wife and I still enjoy watching the reruns.

2) Will Ferrell – Will Ferrell is one of the few people in the entertainment business that can make me squirt drink through my nose when he is simply looking at the camera. He is definitely one of the most quotable comedic actors of all time, and I have enjoyed about 90% of the bajillion movies he has been in.

3) Jim Carey – AKA “James Carey.” He has been cracking me up since he got his big break on the TV show “In Living Colour.”
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and
Liar Liar are two of my go-to funny movies when I need an easy laugh. I also think he is one of the most talented physical comedians that ever graced the stage.

4) Conan O’Brien – Everything he touches is comedic gold. He has written for two of the funniest shows on TV (both
The Simpsons and
SNL), and I have been a religious follower of all three of his late night talk shows. My wife and I love his self-deprecating monologues, and his comedy sketches aren’t half bad either.

5) Steve Martin – Hilarious on SNL. Hilarious in movies. Hilarious doing stand-up. AND he is an incredible banjo player…

6) Brian Reagan – Probably the most consistently funny stand-up comedians in the business. The fact that he keeps it clean and still manages to be hilarious makes him all the more impressive to me.

Mitch Hedberg – He has one of the most unique senses of humor I have ever experienced and I just so happen to love it. Also, I find it fascinating that he overdosed on April Fool’s Day. 
8) Mel Brooks – I have yet to see a Mel Brooks film that did not make my abs sore for days. My favorite is probably “Blazing Saddles.”

9) Stephen Colbert – My wife and I look forward to his show every evening. In my opinion he is the “king” of the mock interview. Nobody does it better…

10) Chevy Chase – He is perfect in the role of the “lovable idiot.”
Christmas Vacation and
Fletch are two of my favorite movies in which he perfects this role.
Honorable Mentions (in no particular order):
Kristen Wiig
Dave Chapelle
Trey Parker and Matt Stone
Adam Sandler
Kevin James