1.) Cadburry Creme Eggs - Delicious Milk Chocolate on the outside, gooey goodness on the inside. When I got Easter Baskets as a child, the other candy I received might languish in its plastic egg for months to years, but these suckers were gone within a couple of days.

2.) Cadburry Mini Eggs -
I describe these as “M&M’s on steroids.” Thin candy shell covering probably the most delicious milk chocolate I have ever tasted. I bought three bags of these the last time I was at Wal-Mart.

3.) Nerds -
Love ‘em. One of the loudest candies to eat, but the little crunchies are strangely gratifying to chew. I like Strawberry the best.

4.) Reese's Pieces -
At one time these were an everyday purchase at my school’s cafeteria. Shout out to Mr. Reece for inventing them.

5.) Gummi Bears -
The white ones are my favorites. I also used to enjoy biting the heads off of one color and transferring them to the body of another color.
6.) Almond Joy - I prefer nuts. Apologies to my wife if she was unaware of this.
7.) Sour Skittles - I can’t decide if I like the taste or the face that they cause me to make. Maybe both?
8.) Sour Patch Kids - Same story, as number 7, different texture.
9.) Peanut M&M's - I really really prefer nuts. Sorry Katie…
10.) Jolly Ranchers - I would gladly get tooth decay in honor of these candies…
Honorable Mentions (in no particular order):
Atomic War Heads
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
I am not a big candy fan, but you managed to pick out all my favs. Anything peanut butter, gummy bears!!, cadbury cream eggs, I throw away the chocolate shell but the inside is delishhh. Well done.