1.) Butterfinger - Don't lay a finger. Seriously, I love Butterfinger. By itself or crumbled on top of White Chocolate Mousse frozen yogurt (right, Izzy?), this is the best candy ever.

2.) Peanut Butter M&M's - I love the chocolate/peanut butter combination, and this is the best form of it in my opinion. The peanut butter is way more sugary than real peanut butter - just the way I like it.

3.) Swedish Fish - I could eat these all day long. BUT I only like the red ones, so don't give me that lame "assorted colors" bag.

4.) Cadburry Mini Eggs - I think this is the only candy that appears on both Gib's and my list. These are SOOO good, and probably better because they play hard-to-get and are available only around Easter time.

5.) Plain M&M's - This might be a pretty boring pick, but I prefer to think of it as a "classic" pick. Melting M&M's in the microwave makes them even better. (But it also causes them to melt in your hands AS WELL AS your mouth...catch-22.)

6.) Hot Tamales - Lots of people think these are gross, but I think they are great. I love cinnamon flavor.

7.) Dove Caramel Promises - Dove chocolate filled with caramel. I can't decide if I like peanut butter or caramel better as an accompaniment to chocolate. Both are fantastic.

8.) Dark Chocolate Nonpareils - These remind me of going to the movies, but I prefer the real ones over the Snow Caps version. I feel like this choice makes me an old person...thoughts?

9.) Jelly Belly - First of all, shouldn't it be Jelly Bellies? I have always pluralized it, but no: google told me it's singular. Anyway, I think these are the most fun candies to eat, because you never know what you're going to get (similar to a box of chocolates in that respect).

10.) Twix - Caramel and chocolate gets another shout-out on my list. Getting two bars instead of one is also a perk.
Honorable Mentions (in no particular order):
Rolo (incidentally, another one I've always pluralized: Rolos. This blog is also educational.)
Milky Way
Sour Patch Kids
Werther's Caramel
Hershey's Kisses